Saturday, February 29, 2020


It's hard to believe, but I've been blogging here for twelve years now!

...Did I stick around long enough so I could post that to properly celebrate this milestone? Probably. It was hard to just embed a video of just the "12" segment, though. Damn you, COPPA.

But just in case that didn't come across the way I hoped, here's some more Twelve imagery:

Another year has passed by, and once again I've resigned myself to knowing that no one really blogs anymore. Everyone (myself included) tends to stick to Twitter or Instagram or one of those other places to express themselves these days, while the more static places on the internet seem to be tossed aside or forgotten.

But fret not dear readers, I'm still here, and I'll still post as often as I can. You can always count on the end of the month for new content, and at the very least I'll see you folks in March.

Thank you for reading my little space on the net, and enjoy the extra day.

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