Monday, January 31, 2022


 Man, I can't believe I almost missed National Gorilla Suit Day again.

But that pales in comparison to the big news of the past few days:

Snow! And lots of it. For most of the week the forecast was somewhere between two and twenty(?!) inches, and what showed up was...this.

The area got at least two feet, and with all the wind, there were snowbanks that reached even higher.

Some of these drifts went up to my STOMACH. This took my dad and I a few hours just to dig out THIS. Sunday was spent digging out the cars.

My car was in there somewhere. I'm still amazed I was able to dig a path all the way out there. I guess I'm lucky that the snow was mostly powder. It sucks for making snowballs and snowpeople, but great for shoveling.

It's been a hell of a long time since snow reached these heights. One side was completely clear, while my car was buried in snow on this side.

Long Island (especially the part I'm in) doesn't get snow like this too often. I look at those Timehop memories, and the last REAL blizzard we had was in 2016. I've lived almost 35 years and this was the first time I saw the neighbor cars completely buried in snow. And those aren't sensible cars like what I have, that's an SUV family, with a driveway on an incline if you want to truly fathom how much snow is there.

My family is done with snow. I'd have to agree with them for once. I think Virginia is looking nice this time of year.