Thursday, February 28, 2019


Can you believe it, folks? This humble little blog turned 11 years old this week!

So...11 isn't really THAT important of a milestone. It certainly isn't TEN, anyway. But hell, I never expected to keep this up for eleven years! Especially since blogs as a whole are pretty much a dying medium these days anyway. All my good stuff has been posted on Twitter or Instagram for however long I've been on THOSE platforms.

I just want to say thank you for everyone who's been reading this tiny corner of the internet that I feel doesn't really add anything new anymore. This is still my own personal piece of the pie, and I'm glad that there's someone out there interested in what I have to say.

Until the next time I think of something to post here, enjoy these pictures of the major Elevens of pop culture:

Eleven from Stranger Things.

and of course the Eleventh Doctor of Doctor Who. Matt Smith was the first Doctor I watched, so that makes him MY doctor.

I got to meet him at NYCC a few years back, and he's totally awesome in person, exactly how I expected him to be. Just wanted to put that out there.

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