Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap Day Sweet Sixteen!

 Can you believe this blog has been around for SIXTEEN years?!

The first posts went live on February 27th and 28th 2008. For whatever reason, I never posted on the 29th that year. Nor the next time in 2012. But I've posted on the 29th every time after that.

As the internet landscape has changed so much over the years, I nevertheless still manage to post here once a month, every month. I'm grateful for anyone still reading this site.

But I can't let this Leap Day go without acknowledging the death of Richard Lewis.

Comedians joking about death is nothing new, and Richard Lewis is a guy that's talked about dying for as long as I've been alive. Still feels weird to actually see it happen. He hadn't been doing too well with Parkinson's lately, and a heart attack is what does him in?!

Richard Lewis was never one of the biggest comedians, but he is one of the most well known. Neurotic Jewish Man was his niche, and boy did he ride it. You needed that type of guy, you called him up and he came running.

He was even the neurotic Jewish spokesman for Boku, and the commercial is painfully 90s. It's incredible.

And Total cereal!

It made him the best kind of foil for Larry David, especially the exaggerated versions of themselves on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Hell, he was just in an episode last week talking about leaving something for Larry in his will!

Blogger won't let me manually embed youtube videos anymore if I the little search bar can't find it, but I assure you it's hilarious. 

He will be missed. I hope you left Larry something good.

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