Friday, September 30, 2022

When September Ends

 Hey, September ended and you guys forgot to wake me up!

I hate it when that happens.

It's been quite the September for me. Like, the week after Labor Day I somehow threw out my back while my parents were away on vacation.

Lemme tell you, it wasn't fun feeling like an overturned turtle for half a week, laying on a heating pad for days waiting for your back to stop spasming. And there's nobody home. It sucked.

But as of right now, I'm better! In the time since then, I've been playing Splatoon 3.

It's just as fun and wild as the previous two games, but I have come to a conclusion: I am very rusty at this. I usually tap out after an hour or two, and I'm competing against people who never stopped playing since Splatoon 2 was released five years ago.

This was a match I had last weekend. The other team learned a lesson about inking their base the hard way. If they did, they woulda won. It's a dull part of the game, but someone's gotta do it. And it's usually me, the Aerospray main who's too obsessed with covering all the turf with ink.

And my team won the first Splatfest! But geez, 58% went to Team Gear? No wonder why we kept getting mirror battles. I hope the next Splatfests will be a bit more balanced. But the rule of thumb seems to be if you want to win, you pick Shiver's team. Her team won the demo Splatfest, and this one, so she's 2-0. Big Man will get his chance eventually.

...Oh right, the Queen of England finally died. You know, I was watching the newsfeed like a hawk all day, and ten minutes after I went back to work after a lunch break, I miss the announcement. But it was pretty surreal to see the internet collectively shitpost about it. I honestly hadn't seen Twitter that unified in celebrating over something since that weekend Trump got covid and we all thought he was going to die.

and NY Comic Con is next week, and for the first time since 2019, I'll be there! Pictured above are my badges from the past TEN conventions I'd been to! Well, I skipped last year, and they didn't have one in 2020. But I still managed to snag a set of badges for the cancelled 2020 con. It was the last year Walking Dead was on the badges, and there was much rejoicing. Crunchyroll in all its union busting chicanery is the big sponsor this year, with anime on all the badges! 

I got a 4 day again, and this one's Rise of The Shield Hero. I know that Thursday is Attack on Titan, Friday is Chainsaw Man, Saturday is Spy x Family, Sunday & Sunday Kids has Deku from MHA, Press has 20 years of Naruto/Boruto, and Pro has Mob Psycho 100. They all look so much better than mine.

I fill you all in on the details in next month's post. God willing.

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