It's the end of the month, and it's been a pretty rough week. For me, for friends, for the country.
I feel like I'm going crazy and there's no way to stop it.
At least we have weird memes to keep us going.
I got addicted to that weird dall-e AI image generator thing and lemme tell you, I found some solid winners. I think this was my favorite one I made.
This one was my second favorite.Revel in how much it disturbs you.
This thing somehow knew enough about My Hero Academia that putting in a vague, yet specific prompt of the main character on trial to include Bakugou.
I was also surprised that it recognized "Gaben." I made one about Gaben being fat, but you REALLY don't want to see that one.
And finally, I just went and found this one. This program is able to pull off inanimate objects much better, but you can still tell it's all fake.
This may not be the future of art, but if anything it's good to see a theoretical mockup of art people like me are too either too shy or too poor to ask an actual artist to draw. And it's all done in relative seconds!
If you want to make your own, you can just go here. There's also the REAL version that only real artists can access right now, and that one's even more convincing, but still fake. God help us all.
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