-For the first year I can remember, there's not much I really want for Christmas. I already got a new phone (LG Dare!) and a new pair of shoes that count as early gifts, but aside from them, my list honestly includes the following: New Super Mario Bros Wii, The Simpsons Game (Wii), the Leader-Class Jetfire figure from Revenge of The Fallen that finally came out, the 4th volume of American Dad on DVD, the 2nd volume DVD of Freakazoid, and my annual Hess Truck. That's pretty much it. But there's one other thing that I want, material-wise that would be absolutely awesome:
The audiobook of Tracy Morgan's autobiography "I Am The New Black." On print, it's a rambling sort of memoir through the unique eyes of Tracy Morgan. This version is that...but performed by Tracy himself. That alone makes it hilarious in conception, and I'd love to hear how it sounds.
-I've been in a depressive funk for the past year or so that I'm just now starting to get out of. I can blame my crippling social anxiety for that, but I'll admit, it's starting to improve. I hate people...yet I also hate being alone and doing nothing. A small portion of that improvement comes from daily readings of "My Life is G," the positive version of "F My Life."
-I've also come to realize that I don't need a relationship to make me happy...yet I would absolutely love to be able to share the holidays and my geekiness with somebody else.
-I got obsessed with The Big Bang Theory. Once you get past the annoying laugh track (filmed before a live studio audience, no less!), it's a very brilliant show. Hilarious, Geeky, and it gets more ratings than its lead in, Two and a Half Men. By the way, it's a hilarious geeky scripted show...on a network and not cable!
-Video game-wise, I got addicted to Pokemon Rumble, which was released on WiiWare last monday. A full week later, I'm one Battle Royale away from beating the entire game.
-Some things that I'm truly thankful for: My Friends, brothers, family, MLIG, and that I possess that talent of going up on a stage to a quiet crowd and through my stand-up comedy, turn them into an unruly mob.
-Since it's probably Thanksgiving or afterwards when you actually read this, here's a link for A Very Dennis Thanksgiving Special, which I produced last year. I'll make the following announcement: A VERY DENNIS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL IS A GO, AND ESTIMATED ETA IS MID-DECEMBER!
-I always wanted to try Turducken. And actually start a Twitter feed.
-Also, this video is awesome:
Don't care if the wide-screen goes off the margins, it's just that amazing. Every major Muppet Show Muppet as well as several modern ones perform Bohemian Rhapsody. As my (nick)name is Galileo, which just so happens to originate from this very song, that part of the song just happens to be the best part of the whole damn video. Also a plus: They've now cast a VERY good sound-alike for Scooter.