Friday, June 30, 2023

Everything's Orange

 Boy, June was...a month, wasn't it?

Hey, let's check the weather outside, and get a whiff of that good summer air.

You know what? Nevermind.

But it wasn't as bad as a few weeks ago.

Yeah, that wasn't safe.

These were pictures taken at my job. This is how it looks normally.

And when the smoke was at its worst, taken at roughly 3pm:

Yeah, that's ORANGE. The sky isn't supposed to look like that. First, everything was hazy. Then it started smelling like someone lit up a pipe.

And then came the burning. It smelled like burning leaves for hours. At one point the sun was completely red as a tomato. It's not supposed to do that, people.

But let's talk about something that's a different color. Let's say...purple?

Yes, last week I got to try the Grimace Birthday Shake. You know, the fast food sensation that's been killing everyone on the internet lately?

courtesy of @anhdangerous on twitter

courtesy of @XoxoMika_213 on twitter

courtesy of @joecanvas on twitter

courtesy of @LumpyTouch on twitter

Well, it was more purple and vanilla mixed together, and that reflected in the taste. The purple was some kind of unidentifiable berry flavor, but overall I really liked it. But I'm good if it's the only time I'll ever have it.

Oh, and then we all made fun of a tiny submarine that got lost trying to look at the Titanic. Until we found out that everyone on board died instantly while everyone was memeing it for days. And then everyone got over it once we realized it meant four less billionaires in the world.

There's lots of things I want to be remembered for. Dying in an incredibly stupid way is both near the bottom of that list, and yet one of the most realistic outcomes.

That'll do it for June. If you are or were in the path of all that smoke, please stay safe.