Friday, January 31, 2025

Goodbye January

Okay, I'd like to make a correction from last month's post: I'm ready to go back to 2024.

January's finally over, and that felt like forever. David Lynch AND Simpsons Tapped Out died, not to mention any hope of not being anxious over the...general state of everything.

But I hope you all remembered to celebrate National Gorilla Suit Day!

Somewhat related, but earlier this month I picked up a book I'd been searching for since my childhood.

"Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head & Other Drawings" by B. Kliban.

A now-deceased family friend that lived Upstate had it when we went to visit on family vacations. She had a few Calvin and Hobbes books and a few other comic strip collections, but this was the one I poured over most of all.

It was the first time I ever saw swears in a comic strip and it blew my tiny mind. It was the first comic in the book, and it was a taste of what was to come.

For literal decades I could not remember the name of the book, nor who drew it. But then one of those engagement farm posts went around Bluesky about comics that influenced you, and I googled the only drawing I remembered (the one you see above), and I hit the jackpot. I quickly found the cheapest copy off Amazon and now it's all mine!

The book was published in 1976 and B. Kliban (or "Hap" as he liked to be called) was once an artist for Playboy, and this book does not hide that one bit.

It's one of a few nude pictures in that book, but it was the one that stuck with me. And it's still timely all these years later.

But THIS is my all time favorite drawing in the book. Just eating pies like he just bit into a big sandwich. There's so many pies, and there's even pictures of pies on the wall! It just tells one hell of a story.

If these cartoons seem familiar, Gary Larson has cited B. Kliban to be a giant influence on The Far Side, and man does it show. This one seemed to be the most Far Side-like, in both artwork and the story it tells. 

Then I saw this one and I said "oh yeah, I see it now."

I think about this one all the time.

And this one.

And especially this one.

You can tell this is from 1976.

Incredible pun.

And another one that would've been at home in The Far Side.

I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure the website was named after this.

And now a bunch of my other favorites.

Another piece of my puzzle falls into place.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Onward to 2025!

 Let's leave 2024 behind. Starting with History's Greatest Monster, Jimmy Carter.

He really came in under the wire, didn't he? He might not have been the best president, but he was probably the best person to BE president. And that bar is so ungodly low, especially before AND after him.

December was very...trying. Beginning of the month, I got rear ended. Two weeks later, the alternator decided to crap out on me. And when my dad took my car to His Guy, they decided to replace the battery while they were at it. So it was kind of an Imagination Christmas for me.

I mostly got gift cards, and most of them have already been spent.

That Amazon gift card went towards two things: that Jurassic Park Transformers 2-pack, and the bottle of Underwood Ranch Sriracha sauce. It's the farm that Huy Fong used to get their peppers from, so it's the closest thing to the original sauce. My verdict: it's GOOD. Huy Fong has better consistency, but this one blows it out of the water in every other aspect. Huy Fong might as well be red sauce compared to this.

And my other gifts. New portfolio books! New bbq sauce and deodorant! The highlight was this:

Peanuts-branded hot sauces. From "wishy washy" to "AUUGH!" Or from Good to Grief. I haven't tried these out yet, but I don't have a lot of trust in novelty hot sauces from Big Lots.

But I also started wearing my Simpson socks I got LAST Christmas.

They're comfy. Why hadn't I been wearing them before?! Well, they're finally getting used, that's the most important thing.

And let's have a look at this year's tree.

And a closer look at some of the ornaments.

This year I got to decorate the tree, and all the ornaments I bought over the past few years made it on this time. I bought quite a few this year, like the Boo, the Magikarp, the Pokeball, and the ketchup bottle. They made an ornament of the Weinermobile, I'm not made of stone!

And finally, the McRib came back!

It looked and tasted just as good as it used to be. But if I want to make it to 2026, one is all I'm gonna eat this time.

And for the third New Year's in a row, I went out for sushi.

Not pictured: all the other stuff I ate.

There's not a lot of options for this New Year's Eve programming. I'm staying in, Times Square is getting rained out, and The Honeymooners doesn't come on until 12:30. But at least Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen get to drink again.

I hope your 2024 went better than mine, let's at least look forward to 2025!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Thankful 2024

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I spent my morning the way I always do: watching the Macy's Parade.

If the parade wasn't defined by Wicked, it was defined by rain. Everyone was damp, Jimmy Fallon wore giant hangover shades, conservatives were outraged by Broadway performances, and there was an actual technical hiccup where everyone had to awkwardly vamp! But ultimately all the balloons survived this year. Luffy, Snoopy, made it to Herald Square intact. Bluey gave us a scare, but she managed to recover just in time.

I was in Manhattan just last Saturday and saw THAT Macy's all decked out for Christmas.

34th Street is a lot more narrow than you'd think it is. Savannah and Hoda are like twenty feet away from the action, tops.

And of course someone on the parade route recorded the whole thing if you just want to watch floats and balloons march in the rain.

Then there was the Dog Show.

They were all good dogs, but ultimately Vito The Pug won Best in Show.

Apparently he was the winningest pug in America, and the National Dog Show was another notch on the belt. He was clearly the crowd favorite, and I'm glad he won since most of the other dogs I posted? Never even made it to the finals in their groups.

And finally the MST3K Turkey Day marathon. The highlight was the long awaited return of The Final Sacrifice, which had been in legal limbo for the better part of a decade.

It is, of course, the one with everyone's favorite Canadian hero Zap Rowsdower. I hadn't seen it since Netflix had the MST3K rights, and it's still a stone cold classic. I'm so happy it's streaming again.

This is usually the post where I'd highlight what I'd seen at Anime NYC, but since that got moved to August, I have to improvise and write November's entry the way I used to: what am I thankful for?

Well, obviously, parades, dogs, and Rowsdower. I'm also thankful for my cat.

She decided to give us another one of her health scares again. Turns out she was just meowing a lot and my folks were getting annoyed by it. I had to beg to not get her put down just because of that, and I'm happy to say she's still with us. Tell her how cute she is.

I'm also thankful for food on the table, and that I have a stable job and a roof over my head.

Thanksgiving was a rather modest spread this year because it's still just me and my parents. I'm starting to realize that my family is white. If your first thought was "This looks like it was made by someone that hated Thanksgiving," you'd be right. Mom can't stand turkey, and is getting tired of all the other food, too. It tasted better than it looked, I assure you.

And finally, I DID go to a little con. I said earlier I was in Manhattan last Saturday, and it was for Big Apple Con. I went there mostly to meet the Effin' Birds guy.

He was as cool as you'd think he'd be. He even signed the inside!

Plus here are some of the most in character pickups I ever bought.

Don't pay attention to the prices. Aside from the Bob Hope comics, everything I showed was 75% off. I don't think I paid more than $35 for everything.

But the main highlight is this issue of Starburst I found:

I bought it mostly for the cover, and it already checked off a lot of my boxes. Batman '66, Doctor Who news, stuff that censors cut from tv airings of Robocop!

And then I looked inside and I hit pay dirt, readers.

The Doctor Who story was announcing a movie that was ultimately never made. You see, this was a British nerd magazine from 1988, everyone was still holding out hope that it wasn't going to get cancelled by this time the following year. And of course it had a page full of people complaining about how Doctor Who went downhill.

Back then to complain about Doctor Who you had to put in some effort, dammit! Nowadays you can scream right into an underserving social media intern's ear about how a progressive show like Doctor Who suddenly went woke because the Doctor isn't a white guy anymore or some nonsense.

There was a multi page retrospective on Batman '66, which had just entered syndication in the UK market. Just about everyone was still alive at the time, to boot. 

Yes folks, Vincent Price was on multiple pages, as he should be. But then I looked on.

And awful review of Leonard Part VI! There were also articles on Captain Power, The Lost Boys, and an interview with Katheryn Bigelow. If I was a British nerd in the 80s, I would've been a subscriber. 

And finally, I'm thankful to all of you, my readers. This is the longest project I've ever written, approaching 17 years! And hopefully many more.